Personal Details

Ryan Lundin

State: IL

Authorized to work in the U.S? Yes

Work Experience


Digital Health Recruiters, Recruiters

Experience in this field

3 Years

Last employer

TotalMed Staffing

Last employer website



Medical & Healthcare, Business services, Healthcare Clinical, Non-Clinical, Pharmacy & Admin Roles


Hourly Rate

$20-$40 /hour

Professional Summary

Ryan S. Lundin is a versatile professional based in Naperville, IL, with extensive experience in healthcare recruiting, sales, and customer service. He currently works as a Senior Recruiter at Total Med Staffing, where he has achieved notable success, including placing high-level clinical and leadership roles. With a background in corporate communications from Northern Illinois University, Ryan has demonstrated strong skills in cold calling, prospecting, recruitment, and client relationship management, contributing to his reputation for delivering exceptional results across various industries.

If you’re looking to connect with a recruitment expert who can elevate your talent acquisition strategies, download Ryan S. Lundin’s resume to explore how he can contribute to your organization’s success with his digital healthcare, telehealth, AR/VR, and SaMD recruitment expertise as a Fremont recruiter. His ability to place top talent in emerging fields like telehealth and digital healthcare makes him a valuable asset for companies at the forefront of healthcare innovation.

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