Personal Details

Ardhendu Chanda

State: Texas

Authorized to work in the U.S? Yes

Work Experience


Digital Health Recruiters, Recruiters

Experience in this field

10+ Years

Last employer

Walmart ( RPO basis through AGS- 100% client facing)

Last employer website



Medical & Healthcare, Engineering, Technology, Business services


Hourly Rate

$20-$40 /hour

Professional Summary

Ardhendu Chanda is a bilingual Talent Acquisition professional with 20+ years of technical expertise and extensive experience as a Full Lifecycle Technology Recruiter for leading global enterprises. Skilled in managing high-volume workloads, strategic pipelining, and hiring initiatives, leveraging a vast network and creative sourcing techniques. Proven success in diversity hiring (DEI), succession planning, and leadership, with a focus on developing and implementing effective recruiting strategies.

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