Personal Details

Lakeera Nelson

State: New Jersey

Authorized to work in the U.S? Yes

Work Experience


Digital Health Recruiters, Recruiters

Experience in this field

10+ Years

Last employer

Kelly Services

Last employer website



Medical & Healthcare, Engineering, Technology, Business services, landscapping, publishing, agency recruitment, etc.


Hourly Rate

$40- $80/hour

Professional Summary

Lakeera Nelson is a skilled Executive Talent Acquisitions Lead with expertise in digital healthcare recruitment and is a key recruiter in Fremont, California. Her background in recruitment strategy, diversity and inclusion, and executive search makes her a valuable asset to any organization. With experience at Express Scripts and American Engineering Testing, she has enhanced talent pipelines, reduced time-to-fill, and optimized recruitment processes, driving strategic growth for organizations. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Human Resources Management, Lakeera brings a wealth of knowledge in onboarding, compensation negotiation, and process optimization.

If you’re looking to connect with a recruitment expert who can elevate your talent acquisition strategies, download Lakeera Nelson’s resume to get in touch and explore how she can contribute to your organization’s success.

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