Personal Details

Hassana Olarinre

State: New Jersey

Authorized to work in the U.S? Yes

Work Experience


Digital Health Recruiters, Recruiters

Experience in this field

10+ Years

Last employer

Tutt Search Group

Last employer website



Medical & Healthcare, Engineering, Technology, Business services, Media and Entertainment


Hourly Rate


Professional Summary

As an Executive Search Consultant, Hassana Olarinre specializes in digital healthcare recruitment and is a Fremont recruitment expert. She focuses on confidential, high-profile searches with a strong emphasis on DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) mapping and innovative sourcing techniques to secure top-tier talent. Hassana excels in full-cycle recruitment, aligning searches with organizational values while improving performance metrics and negotiating competitive compensation packages. Her expertise extends to restructuring teams, handling high-volume recruitment, and integrating diversity into company policies. With a proven track record of helping clients surpass business goals while driving substantial cost savings, Hassana is a key player in the digital healthcare recruitment space.

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