Personal Details

Bridget Gruber

State: PA

Authorized to work in the U.S? Yes

Work Experience


Digital Health Recruiters, Medical Device Recruiters, Recruiters

Experience in this field

10+ Years

Industries worked in

Medical & Healthcare, Engineering, Technology

Last employer

Centuri Group

Last employer website


Hourly Rate

$40- $80/hour

Professional Summary

Bridget Gruber is an AIRS Certified Diversity & Inclusion Recruiter with 15 years of experience leading staffing initiatives across healthcare, telecommunications, automotive, manufacturing, and construction industries. She specializes in full-cycle recruitment, diversity-focused sourcing, and recruitment marketing, supporting various business functions such as engineering, IT, operations, and project management. Bridget has worked with prominent organizations like Centuri Group, Blinderman Construction, PPG, and Crown Castle, with expertise in recruitment strategy, compliance, and talent acquisition for all position levels.

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