Personal Details

Victoria Rivas

State: TX

Authorized to work in the U.S? Yes

Work Experience


Medical Device Recruiters, Recruiters

Experience in this field

5+ Years

Industries worked in

Medical & Healthcare, Engineering, Technology, Business services

Last employer

Hospice Source

Last employer website


Hourly Rate

$20-$40 /hour

Professional Summary

Victoria Rivas is an accomplished full-cycle recruiter with a proven track record in implementing effective sourcing strategies and collaborating with hiring managers to meet staffing needs. With experience in diverse industries, she has a strong background in utilizing applicant tracking systems to streamline recruitment processes and reduce costs. Her expertise includes screening candidates, conducting interviews, and developing diversity and inclusion recruiting strategies. Most recently, as a Full Cycle Recruiter at Hospice Source, she successfully sourced and qualified candidates, attended job fairs, and worked closely with managers to address hiring objectives. Additionally, she improved overall recruiting efficiency by analyzing metrics and implementing changes.

Victoria’s professional experience also spans roles in auto claims adjustment and dispatching, where she excelled in managing investigations, negotiating settlements, and streamlining processes. At companies like The Best Claims Solutions and Accelore Solutions, she leveraged her industry knowledge to enhance claims processes and recruit talent. Her experience with various sourcing tools such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, and CareerBuilder helped her identify top candidates while maintaining accurate candidate evaluations and ensuring effective onboarding procedures. She has consistently demonstrated her ability to drive efficiency and improve recruitment and claims processes across multiple remote roles.

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