Personal Details

Jeffrey Bouck

State: California

Authorized to work in the U.S? Yes

Work Experience


Medical Device Recruiters, Recruiters

Experience in this field

10+ Years

Industries worked in

Medical & Healthcare, Technology, Business services, Industrial and financial

Last employer

Golden State Health Centers

Last employer website


Hourly Rate

$40- $80/hour

Professional Summary

Jeffrey Bouck is an experienced Director of Recruitment specializing in full-cycle recruiting and strategic talent acquisition. He has a proven track record of developing recruitment strategies, managing teams, and optimizing processes to attract and retain top talent across various industries, including healthcare and corporate roles. In his current role at Golden State Health Centers, Jeffrey leads recruitment efforts for high-level positions such as physicians, nurses, and IT professionals. He collaborates closely with HR leadership to streamline hiring processes, develop onboarding strategies, and resolve complex employee issues.

Previously, Jeffrey held key roles at Windsor Healthcare and Wells Fargo, where he was responsible for sourcing and interviewing candidates, conducting training sessions for recruitment teams, and improving retention programs. He brings strong skills in project management, communication, and employee retention strategies. With a background in advertising and a degree from Washington State University, Jeffrey effectively combines marketing and recruitment techniques to enhance the talent acquisition process. His strategic approach and leadership skills have been instrumental in improving recruitment outcomes and ensuring alignment with business culture.

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